Monday, June 22, 2009

Snoopy Flying Ace USB

Standing at 15cm tall, this "Flying Ace" Snoopy USB moves and spins and does all the groovy things a USB does... just in a more cuter fashion.
Comes with 3 ports and simple operation, the USB is available at 5985 yen!

Ref -

Hello Kitty has finally come to iphone!!

Here's one for iPhone users!!
As part of the Hello Kitty 35th Anniversary celebration, Hello Kitty is now available on iphone!!
The application includes contents such as

- A Hello Kitty 35th Anniversary countdown clock
- The 35th Birthday commemorative movie " Hello Kitty Colors"
- Hello Kitty, her family and friends profiles
- Hello Kitty news
- A Hello Kitty design museum

Available in English and Japanese, this application is compatible with iPhone and iPod touch!

So get yours now!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Calling robot!!

They had it for Hello Kitty, so why not Mickey (Disney) ?!
KC is dying to save up enough for this, because at 86,900yen, we can have our favorite friend on a gadget helping us clean our home!!
Pure enjoyment!!
Pricey, but probably not so for the collector or fanatic.. (^-^)


Monday, June 8, 2009

It's on again!

The June sale for Snoopy and Peanuts items is on again at Dinos, where a great selection of Licensed Snoopy goods and limited items are up for grabs!!
Get original and step into a world of Snoopy items for the collector or fan!!
